- Obama praises Chrysler's green cars but Chrysler is only surviving on truck and SUV sales!
- WOW! Stanley Kurtz, find out his new book follows up on the REAL Obama
- Ted Nugent tells it like it is MY FAV!
- SEIU buses in purple shirted thugs for AZ protest
- It dawns on Yellowstone campers that maybe humans are on the grizzly bear menu
- Imagine the outrage among Nature Nazis if a paper mill made the noise a windmill farm makes
- Libtards tell us that Missouri's vote on ObamaCare this Tuesday doesn't really matter
- Tourists cheer Patrick Henry re-enactor in Williamsburg VA
- This is what happens when dumbasses "read" the 14th Amendment GREATNESS
- Want good economic forecasting (short of reading the Austrians) then flip a coin
- Alan Greenspan says we are now in a "quasi-recession"
Shameless Jacobite
That is all,
PS. Can any of you find a Margaret Sanger/Havelock Ellis smoking gun? They
were both in Bloomsbury/London at the same time, along ...
God Help Us
Daddy-O --
Jefferson believed the liberty tree to be watered with the blood of tyrants and God would send an angel or two to color the sand with blood of the wicked. Makes for interesting days to come, in my humble opine.
Thanks Sir for the stop by.
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