Just Another “Support the Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex” Rally
by Thomas DiLorenzo on July 28, 2010 09:37 AM
That’s what Glenn Beck’s August 28 “rally” at the Lincoln Memorial will be, he has announced. Joining him will be Sarah Palin, fellow pro-war neocon, and presumably thousands of other pro-war sheeple. It will be a “salute to the troops,” they say. Of course, when propagandists like these say they are saluting “our troops” they are trying to censor criticism of the Washington establishment and its foreign policy by equating criticism of them with criticism of your neighbor’s young son or daughter who, in good faith and a feeling of patriotism, joined the army.
Beck started out months ago talking about this rally in very libertarian terms, quoting Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. But, alas, it’s turned out to be just another staged neocon warmongering festival designed to pull the wool over the eyes of the booboisie once again.
Shameless Jacobite
That is all,
PS. Can any of you find a Margaret Sanger/Havelock Ellis smoking gun? They
were both in Bloomsbury/London at the same time, along ...
Yeah I think we've had enough of sending our sons and daughters off to die a glorious death. America first!
RED - my cajun luv, to let our best resource, our children, die for make believe arabic democracy is a sin. We have borders that need guarding here and we can no longer sustain a "world police" status. Bringing all our troops home and going to war with a kill'em all attitude is strength we should be the only way to be, we owe it to our armed forces to put them in harms way only when we plan to win and not spread democracy to those who don't want or deserve it.
Nuke 'em till they glow...forget the nation building B.S. or trying to make barbarians into democrats. Just make them dead, as soon as possible.
Stogie - you damn skippy. They respect one thing, power - absolute power. Nothing less, is an insult to all parties involved.
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