

Happy Thanksgiving to each and everyone of you and yours!
h/t to the woodsterman for the pic, a man of me own heart


LL said...

That's quite some bounty - and worth a celebration!

Anonymous said...

What turkey? I did not see it.

Happy Thanksgining

Woodsterman (Odie) said...

Did you GOOGLE "Sexy Turkeys" too ... yuk, yuk.

Happy Thanksgiving Sharky!

RPM said...

And she can cook!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Christopher - Conservative Perspective said...

God Bless and Happy Thanksgiving!

USA_Admiral said...

Mine Too. Happy Thanksgiving!

LandShark 5150 said...

Thanks guys, you're my extended fam!
Enjoy family and friends, be safe and have a greaþ weekend!

an Donalbane said...

Hope you and the G/Sharks' Thanksgiving was all that and more!

Mike aka Proof said...

A little late to the party, but I am impressed with your choice of white meat!

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

That is definitely a pair that Mark Sanford would be thankful for Sharky.

Me as well.

A great Thanksgiving and Christmas to you and your readers.

Red said...

Fuzzy gave the right answer. If anyone noticed the turkey...tsk, tsk, for shame... ;-)