If you want to know what a real "Pledge to shrink gubbmint"!? Then get behind Ron Paul
And if you want real "Founding thought of gubbermint"!? Then listen to Mike Church
So let me get back to the overriding point that you need to repeat. It’s not the difference between Republican policy and Democrat policy. It is the fact that policy exists where there is no need for policy. In other words, most of these things don’t need government, and they don’t need meddling from bureaucrats, from agencies, from Congress, from the Senate, from your state legislature, and on and on and on. But we are taught to believe that, “Well, how can an economy function without a government to run it?” Bingo. It is the thesis, it is the idea of central planning, central economic planning as what’s being discussed here. And it is the folly, the absolute fallacy that our destinies are controlled, I mean, folks, just think about this for just a second. Google this. Get your Google Earth maps out there. Let’s say you live in some part of Arizona. Let’s just say Tempe, Arizona just to throw a name out there. How far away is that from Mordor? Seriously, as the crow flies? How many miles is that? 2,000? 2,100? 2,200? You want to Google Earth that for me and give me a measure? It doesn’t really matter what it is. It won’t change the argument.
The point is, let me see if I understand this right. The daily execution and joy of your life must be approved, must be micromanaged, must be regulated, must be made better, must be made whole, must be made — oh, wait, it’s got to be for the good of the country. Why can’t it be for the good of Arizona? Why is this point so hard to grasp? Why can’t things that are good for the city of Tempe, Arizona not be good for the rest of the republic? If Tempe, Arizona is minding its own business, not causing wars, not stealing from their neighbors, living the good life, abiding by law, not over-managing or over-regulating their business and industry, and is cranking out goods and products and services that people want to buy, and is employing people, is doing things that happen in a free society in a free market, what threat are they to people in Bangor, Maine, other than, why, we don’t want to have to compete with them? Oh, so what do you do then? You buy a politician. But isn’t it true that rising tides lift all boats? Well, then, why wouldn’t you want — how many counties are in this republic? Is there a count of that? Can you see if you can get me a count of that? I’m curious.
Let’s just say for argument’s sake there’s 10,000 counties. Wouldn’t it better for 10,000 counties to be pursuing their own individual prosperity, their own individual excellence? And even when it applies to things like education and competing against one another inside — state to state, county to county? Wouldn’t that yield a better result than having a one-size-fits-all, dumbed-down edict from some central planning authority that must take into consideration the lowest common denominator in all equations, and must make all policies that descend from that equally applicable to all the counties and all the people in them? So you can’t strive for excellence because you’ve got to tell the people that are really good, look, you’re just going to have to hold hands and sing the Coke song and suck it up, bud. Yeah, we know you’re good at making jobs. We know you’re good at making movies or books or steel or whatever. But you’re going to have to make it, and you’re going to have to give some of what you make away because there are people out there that suck. There are people out there that aren’t good at what they do.
I mean, I’m just revulsed to the fiber and core of my being at what passes for our allegedly adult policy or our allegedly adult issue-oriented conversations in the state of our — why, we’ve got to get serious about this. We’re not serious about it. If we were serious about it, we would seriously be talking about breaking away and asking for a divorce from this monster. That would signal that you’re serious. Anything else, folks, this is just a circus. You’re participating in a circus. You’re participating in the idea that salvation comes from Washington. And you’re participating in the idea that that central authority is something that ought to be preserved. Can somebody explain to me outside, outside of the alleged need for common defense, why we must preserve that monster in its current form as our boss, as our capital? I mean, seriously, where is the adult logic and reasoning and discussion about this? Isn’t it high time that that idea be on the table?
That’s what Andy McCarthy said and I’m paraphrasing here. Because before there was a welfare state, we didn’t have this collective notion that we put our prayer rugs out and bow down to Mordor on the Potomac every day and look for guidance on entitlements, and look for guidance on President Barack Obama — count how many times Jon Belmont on the nationwide broadcast ABC News says “President Barack Obama is out touring the country today, promoting the economy.” This hasn’t worked anywhere where it’s been tried. Why are we so foolish, and why aren’t people literally questioning the existence of that capital, and the existence, the authority of its power is beyond I.
All right. I welcome your comments, ladies and gentlemen, dudes and überbabes. By the way, there are 3,140 counties out there. Can you imagine the competition for industry, the competition for education and educators, the competition for anything that you can imagine that would happen, and that we would enjoy the fruits of, if all 3,140 counties out there were competing against one another? If they didn’t have Mordor on the Potomac? If they didn’t have a central planning authority to try to level the playing field and make it equal, equal, equal and even for everyone. Can you imagine? Right here where I live we have West St. Tammany and East St. Tammany Parishes. We’d have West competing vs. East. We would be competing against Washington Parish to the north, Tangipahoa Parish to the west, East Baton Rouge Parish a little further to the west. And I could go on and on and on.
This is what Jefferson believed. This is what Jefferson spent his life defending. This is what the founders thought, or the founding generation thought that they had achieved for us and for posterity at the end of what was known as the Revolutionary War. They already had it, but they thought they had preserved it. Well, we in our daily lives and the things we do every day have lost sight and lost track of that. There is no salvation. There is no way to harness, there is no way to fix, there is no way to repair that dysfunctional, broken entity known as the federal government. Why can’t we just make our peace with that and be done with it, folks? For the sake of the next generation, for crying out loud. MIke Church
Oh Dear
Some people aren't very happy that 45 became 47 and started axing FBI
agents, risible pronounery and all of that. They don't like illegal aliens
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